2018-08-28 18:58:29 UTC
Genesis wrote to me in a personal email...."I will be here always. I will help you
over road blocks. As we speak, no roadblocks exist, only poor communication"
"The key has a keeper indeed, but
be careful...backwards, and backwards you see. Have you any idea how
Long the keeper has had the key? [ -]
I got the backwards and forward time keepers in Time video in Pulse one has a mask and one is a woman.
And then backwards and backwards to reveal the woman's face.
We have poor communication because we had poor clues..
over road blocks. As we speak, no roadblocks exist, only poor communication"
"The key has a keeper indeed, but
be careful...backwards, and backwards you see. Have you any idea how
Long the keeper has had the key? [ -]
I got the backwards and forward time keepers in Time video in Pulse one has a mask and one is a woman.
And then backwards and backwards to reveal the woman's face.
We have poor communication because we had poor clues..