Dark Side of the Moon - The Prism
(too old to reply)
Eric Vinyard
2015-01-09 16:44:43 UTC
"Dark Side is much less interesting to me, because there's no story to tell, really."


I find this fascinating, because the way I see it, there is a quite a lot being told, and with an extremely simple design. Is the album cover not a symbol of enlightenment with the pun intended?

I've always found DSotM to be a particularly revealing album as far as my own life goes. It embodies my personal struggle with existence and being human, which is why I think the album is so timeless. (Although, to be sure, it would not nearly be the work it is without Time!)

The prism is refracting light, revealing its component parts. Light is such an important thing in the Universe that breaking it apart and showing it for what it really is (all colors of the spectrum combined into one) is terribly profound. But there is something else I never noticed until just now.

The prism isn't centered.

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If you study it for more than a second, it becomes obvious that the prism is the capstone on the top of an invisible pyramid which extends to the bottom corners of the album exactly. Is it coincidence that actual pyramids are featured so heavily in all of the rest of the album art?


The Illuminati (illuminated or enlightened ones) capstone is a symbol of many things: heirarchy, success (Money), the uncompleted Great Work ("plans that either come to naught, or half a page of scribbled lines" - ?), but is usually depicted as an eye radiating light. But a real eye, the human eye, takes light into itself and acts as a prism of sorts. A metaphor for "God within", perhaps?

Hard to dismiss the coincidence that this is the album that put Pink Floyd at the top.

Did all of this really escape Thorgerson? I wonder.
Eric Vinyard
2015-01-09 17:14:07 UTC
Post by Eric Vinyard
If you study it for more than a second, it becomes obvious that the prism is the capstone on the top of an invisible pyramid which extends to the bottom corners of the album exactly.
Correction: it doesn't extend to the corners, my mistake. My guess is that it would be less aesthetically pleasing if it did, or it was never meant to. But not being centered does leave me with the impression of it being a capstone, and the pyramids in the rest of the artwork reinforce that.
2015-01-09 19:45:42 UTC
Let us pretend that this is a purely masonic / esoteric / occultic symbol and Storm knew exactly what he was doing when he created the subtle yet powerful prism art. Let us also pretend that it is an undisputed fact that all religions arose out of a single religion that existed a long long long time ago.

If we make this assumption then the first observation is this is NOT a new symbol but simply a slightly altered way of presenting the same concept that has been presented by these ancient priesthoods for thousands upon thousands of years all the way back to the original religion.

If we allow ourselves to pretend that the above assumptions are fact and that Storm based this artwork on the mystery teachings of the first religion then certain aspects of this symbol become evident.

First of all the first religion ALWAYS communicated with symbols rather than words. This was a much more powerful form of communication as it allowed them to convey much more complex concepts than simple writing which typically only holds one or two specific meanings.

The understanding of symbols vs. the understanding of written words is the equivalent of an extremely complex adult book vs. a very simple child's book.
A child's book would not satisfy nor convey adequate information to stimulate a more advanced intellect.

Now, let us also assume one more thing as fact. That the first religion was instigated by VERY ADVANCED INTELLECTS, far more advanced than even today's most intelligent people.

So with that in mind we can look at the simple triangle symbol in a whole new light and with multiple layers of meaning.

The equilateral triangle conveys certain mathematical properties fundamental to the creation of the universe such as the flower of life. It speaks of the sacred geometric ratios and properties that have been intelligently used to build the physical reality around us. It is a footprint and proof of the creator.

The equilateral triangle is considered the most stable from, the triad, and this is because it conveys the triptych nature of all things that occur in a dualistic universe. The universe is composed of + and - but the third property is the reactions caused by the intermingling of those dualistic fundamentals. POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE = INTERACTION.

The equilateral triangle in physical organic terms conveys the Male-Female-Child aspect of life. In the first religion the holy trinity was NOT Father-Son-HolyGhost. This was a MASCULINE form of the trinity. The true BALANCED trinity was MALE-FEMALE-CHILD which reflects the fundamental nature of the universe which is POSITIVE-NEGATIVE-INTERACTION.

The equilateral triangle in terms of consciousness conveys the triptych nature of the human condition which also reflects the fundamental properties of the universe of POSITIVE-NEGATIVE-REACTION which is MENTAL-EMOTIONAL-ACTION. These are the three aspects of the soul SPIRIT-MIND-BODY. MENTAL and EMOTIONAL contemplation are always used to produce the third which is INTERACTION, the matrix of the illusion of reality.

If the equilateral triangle can symbolize the human condition or the human soul then when it is reversed on itself as in the Star of David it can relate the concept of "as above so below" or the within and the without. The inner and outer aspects of life. It can represent the reflective nature of the human perception as well as the matter / anti-matter nature of the universe.
There is an inner world and an outer world.

The triangle in the case of TDSOTM represents a physical prism breaking up light. The prism in the occult is used as an analogy of the soul and the life force or chi that flows through it. In a physical prism we can see that the pure white light is broken into a spectrum of different vibratory frequencies resulting in a range of colors. This is an illusion created by the inherent properties of the prism as the truth remains that pure light embodies all the colors of the rainbow.

The soul carries the same universal properties as the physical prism because both the prism and the soul are based in the same universal principals of the triad. The pure energy or life force that flows through the soul is broken into different perspective through refraction. In physics, it is impossible to determine whether reality is composed of waves or particles. That is because it is both. The perception instruments of the soul, the senses, allows us to separate this pure wave of potential (past present and future of EVERY POSSIBILITY that is constantly existing) into the defined particles of a linear time/space continuum that we can experience through our five senses. Each sense is a type of color of the rainbow contained within the truth of the pure life force. This is ONE REASON why the eye appears within the triangle, because the eye represents the perception within the soul that defines the different aspects of the pure life force.

Just as the light flowing through physical prism can be refracted in different ways by adjusting the angle of the prism, so can the soul refract the life force that flows through it by adjusting how it perceives. If you have a bad mental and emotional state which leads to bad actions then the result will be an equal and opposite reaction in the physical world. If you shift your attitude the results will follow in the physical world congruently. Hindus call this KARMA.

The eye is also a Vescica Pisces which is the symbol of the feminine vagina and composed of two perfect interlacing circles.
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The triangle pointed up is a symbol of the penis. Combining the two and the rays of light produced from the combination of the two is another way of representing the triptych nature of the universe and an explanation of how to produce this light or sacred action.

The triangle as a capstone also represents the never ending progress of work that is light.

Do you see how these concepts lead into one another from a most basic, fundamental level of thought? In this way and line of thinking a entire history of the universe as well as the evolution of life can be communicated from a simple equilateral triangle to those who have the capacity and intellect to understand and interpret the symbolism correctly?

Im sure there are many more interpretations to gather from TDSOTM triangle. In my opinion, if you want to understand it better, then research Freemasonry. It is a good source of wisdom as it has preserved much of the teaching from the first religion in their architecture, symbolism, rituals and philosophies.

The Egyptians also had a very profound understanding of the wisdom of the triangle as they also preserved the teachings from the first religion.

Pythagoras understood better than just about anybody in his time or ours about the fundamental importance of the triangle and how it related to us and the universe.

Study any teachings that have their source in the first religion and that can be verified by physical FACTS. You can weed out bullshit by simple logic... most of the time...
Eric Vinyard
2015-02-20 14:56:23 UTC
Post by Eric Vinyard
Post by Eric Vinyard
If you study it for more than a second, it becomes obvious that the prism is the capstone on the top of an invisible pyramid which extends to the bottom corners of the album exactly.
Correction: it doesn't extend to the corners, my mistake. My guess is that it would be less aesthetically pleasing if it did, or it was never meant to. But not being centered does leave me with the impression of it being a capstone, and the pyramids in the rest of the artwork reinforce that.

Simple, but pointed.
2015-02-20 18:31:25 UTC
Post by Eric Vinyard
Post by Eric Vinyard
Post by Eric Vinyard
If you study it for more than a second, it becomes obvious that the prism is the capstone on the top of an invisible pyramid which extends to the bottom corners of the album exactly.
Correction: it doesn't extend to the corners, my mistake. My guess is that it would be less aesthetically pleasing if it did, or it was never meant to. But not being centered does leave me with the impression of it being a capstone, and the pyramids in the rest of the artwork reinforce that.
Simple, but pointed.
Nice opinion. But no more than that. And an opinion from someone who knows virtually nothing about Egyptian Religion, Sacred Geometry or Masonic roots of our government. For if he did he would have immediately made the connection between the Giza Pyramids pictured on the inside of TDSOTM Album Artwork, the Triangle/Prism on the front cover and the song MONEY and the Pyramid/All Seeing Eye on the Dollar Bill.
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This would make him one of the least qualified persons to speak on the matter.

Someone in the Pink Floyd camp clearly connected the prism to the Giza Pyramid as illustrated in this alternative artwork uploaded to the official Pink Floyd Facebook Page. The Giza picture may have been designed by Storm himself as most of these works were.

Here is a tribute album to DSOTM where the artist clearly makes the connection between the Prism, The Giza Pyramids and the Pyramid and Masonic Art of the All Seeing Eye and Pyramid used on the dollar bill (Money).
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In my opinion, if you can't make these connections of TDSOTM prism to the Giza Pyramid which are the most holy temples dedicated to the Egyptian Religion and the Ancient Mysteries of PHI then you are either retarded or a disinformationalist.

Even a child completely ignorant of occult phenomena can connect the dots with these few clues found in the artwork.

But I am sure you will vehemently deny these are connected because there is no hard proof or because we are not able to calculate the exact odds of this being chance.

[guhl-uh-buh l]

easily deceived or cheated.
2015-02-20 18:51:32 UTC
Further more...

Storm, who designed the DSOTM artwork can be seen personified in this DSOTM Tour Program/Comic Book as a superhero observing a pyramid on a foreign planet, wearing a cape with the PHI symbol on it.

It is well known the Egyptians built the pyramids using the Golden Ratio PHI.
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2015-02-21 02:28:03 UTC
First of all Happy birthday to anyone who had /has a bithrday in February.
I'm leaving AMP-F again for awhile because my mid sister, age 66, in
Colorado, is dying from cancer and I'm having a hard time dealing with the
fact that she will be leaving us who love her soon.
Take care and solve the Enigma.
I love all of you.
2015-02-21 03:08:43 UTC
Post by Kyla=^..^=
First of all Happy birthday to anyone who had /has a bithrday in February.
I'm leaving AMP-F again for awhile because my mid sister, age 66, in
Colorado, is dying from cancer and I'm having a hard time dealing with the
fact that she will be leaving us who love her soon.
Take care and solve the Enigma.
I love all of you.

I (and I'm sure we) wish you and your mid sister the best of luck. Hope to hear from you soon with some good news.

~With love,
2015-02-23 18:09:55 UTC
Post by Kyla=^..^=
First of all Happy birthday to anyone who had /has a bithrday in February.
I'm leaving AMP-F again for awhile because my mid sister, age 66, in
Colorado, is dying from cancer and I'm having a hard time dealing with the
fact that she will be leaving us who love her soon.
Take care and solve the Enigma.
I love all of you.
My condolences Kyla. I will say a prayer for your sister.
Take care.
Eric Vinyard
2015-02-21 08:50:27 UTC
A_Rod seems to have forgotten that I'm no longer reading his posts.

Kyla seems to have forgotten that she left AMPF for good three times this year already.

I seem to have forgotten what I was even talking about. Something about DSotM linking up with the Wizard of Oz making all the sense in the world and yet no sense at all.
2015-02-23 18:09:02 UTC
Post by Eric Vinyard
A_Rod seems to have forgotten that I'm no longer reading his posts.
Eric seems to think I am posting for his personal enjoyment.

Speaking of DSOTM synching up with The wizard of Oz...

While I am not convinced this was intentional there is some supporting evidence this is the case.

The word BAUM appears in reverse consecutive order using the first letter in each word of the song list.

Any Color You Like
Us and Them
Brain Damage

L. Frank Baum, the author of the Wizard of Oz was a member of the Theosophical Society, which is an organization based on occult research and the comparative study of religions.
Eric Vinyard
2015-02-23 23:19:54 UTC
Post by Eric Vinyard
Post by Eric Vinyard
Post by Eric Vinyard
If you study it for more than a second, it becomes obvious that the prism is the capstone on the top of an invisible pyramid which extends to the bottom corners of the album exactly.
Correction: it doesn't extend to the corners, my mistake. My guess is that it would be less aesthetically pleasing if it did, or it was never meant to. But not being centered does leave me with the impression of it being a capstone, and the pyramids in the rest of the artwork reinforce that.
Simple, but pointed.

"But we are very into sort of timeless, ageless, spacious sort of moods in our music. Atospheric. Not really occult, I would say."
2015-02-24 18:23:41 UTC
Post by Eric Vinyard
Post by Eric Vinyard
Post by Eric Vinyard
Post by Eric Vinyard
If you study it for more than a second, it becomes obvious that the prism is the capstone on the top of an invisible pyramid which extends to the bottom corners of the album exactly.
Correction: it doesn't extend to the corners, my mistake. My guess is that it would be less aesthetically pleasing if it did, or it was never meant to. But not being centered does leave me with the impression of it being a capstone, and the pyramids in the rest of the artwork reinforce that.
Simple, but pointed.
"But we are very into sort of timeless, ageless, spacious sort of moods in our music. Atospheric. Not really occult, I would say."
I love how he smurks when he says this!

from the Latin word occultus "clandestine, hidden, secret"

Guitarist Magazine:
So there are no hidden clues musically, lyrically, photographiclly or otherwise on TDB?

David Gilmour: "No"

GM: Sure?

DG: "Yeah"

GM: So we can say "Forget it" to Publius?

DG: "Absolutely".


So then why even bother to look for clues at all?
David Gilmour stated there were none anywhere in TDB.

So which is it? Should we believe everything David says and abandon the Publius Enigma all together or are we going to admit that he may be lying and there are clues in TDB?

Of course if he is lying about TDB clues then perhaps he is also lying about the occult connection.

That is only logical.
Eric Vinyard
2015-02-24 19:54:00 UTC
A_Rod, since you insist on barging into my threads in order to spout nonsense...

You literally just quoted from an article from 1995 in which Gilmour claims to have never even heard of Publius or the Enigma. It stands to reason that if he had no idea what was going on when that interview took place, he would have denied any puzzles being hidden in the album. This in no way contradicts the supposition that EMI either wanted to or actually did sneak something in during post-production.

Once again you insist on using the word "logic" to describe something that is almost entirely unlike it.

Shut up, fuck off, go away. I'm fed up with dealing with your inane tendency to twist the facts to suit your needs.
2015-02-25 16:19:26 UTC
"AS SOME OF YOU HAVE SUSPECTED, "The Division Bell" is not
like its predecessors. Although all great music is subject
to multiple interpretations, in this case there is a central
purpose and a designed solution."

Designing a "central purpose" and a "solution" into the "music" would require David Gilmour to be aware of the situation.

"Shut up, fuck off, go away."

I luv you to buddy :)
Eric Vinyard
2015-02-26 15:50:17 UTC
Post by a_rod_777
Designing a "central purpose" and a "solution" into the "music" would require David Gilmour to be aware of the situation.
In that interview, Gilmour was asked about rumors that the cover and the music had something secretly encoded that would lead to a prize. That is the situation of which he claims to be unaware.

Being familiar with interviews and documentaries and other sources of information regarding the making of The Division Bell, it seems unlikely that the album has a singular, cohesive "message", but it has never been totally clear what was meant by "in this case there is a central purpose and a designed solution". Gilmour wasn't asked about anything which used any of those words, and - to my knowledge - hasn't denied whatever it might mean.

The less sure you are about what someone means when they make a statement, the more consistent sense that statement is allowed to make.
2015-02-26 17:47:31 UTC
Post by Eric Vinyard
Post by a_rod_777
Designing a "central purpose" and a "solution" into the "music" would require David Gilmour to be aware of the situation.
In that interview, Gilmour was asked about rumors that the cover and the music had something secretly encoded that would lead to a prize. That is the situation of which he claims to be unaware.
Being familiar with interviews and documentaries and other sources of information regarding the making of The Division Bell, it seems unlikely that the album has a singular, cohesive "message", but it has never been totally clear what was meant by "in this case there is a central purpose and a designed solution". Gilmour wasn't asked about anything which used any of those words, and - to my knowledge - hasn't denied whatever it might mean.
That doesn't make sense and here is why.
Either we accept Publius declaration that Pink Floyd is delivering a "message" or we discredit the Publius Enigma entirely. It is irrational to pick and choose which statements of Publius to accept as reality and which statements to deny based upon nothing more than our personal opinions.

Publius never stated that "the message" was confined to TDB.
Publius only stated that:

"The Division Bell is not
like its predecessors. Although all great music is subject
to multiple interpretations, in this case there is a central
purpose and a designed solution."

Meaning just that. TDB has a designed solution in the music. So if we are to accept the Publius Enigma as authentic we must accept his statement that TDB music was designed with a "central purpose" and a"solution".

Also we have the official press release which states:
"A spokesperson for Pink Floyd has issued the following statement: You have spotted the Pink Floyd Airship. Do not be alarmed. Pink Floyd have sent their airship to North America to deliver a message. The Pink Floyd Airship is headed towards a destination where all will be explained upon arrival. Pink Floyd will communicate."

So clearly we have confirmation that Pink Floyd personally sent this airship to North America to deliver a "message" and that "message" was somehow "delivered" through the use of this specific airship.

From this official statement, we can conclusively determine that Pink Floyd is personally aware of a "message" and they have attempted to "communicate" this "message".

Whether that message is confined to TDB music is unclear. But at least we know "the message" is real.

So if we choose to accept the Publius Enigma is real and investigate it then we must accept ALL of Publius' statements as authentic.

The question begs if TDB has a designed solution then "a solution to what?". Obviously a solution can only exist if there is a problem to be solved or perhaps a "paradox" that the "central purpose" of TDB is meant to solve.

David Gilmor says: "I suppose you could say that, you know, there's a, a theme throughout the album which involves communication. And um, *all*, pretty much, *all* the songs are connected to the theme of communication, in some way or another."

I understand you give Uncle Custard less credibility but his statements are consistent with both Publius and David Gilmour that there is a communication theme and that there is a paradox that TDB solves.

Uncle Custard highlights the paradox:
The answer lies, non-linearly, within the paradox of the theme of The Division Bell -- communication breakdown.

The official airship announcement dictates there truly is a message Pink Floyd is personally aware of that is somehow related to TDB and Pink Floyd will or already has communicated it.

Publius states that Pink Floyd is delivering a message and asks if we have "listened".

According to these two statements alone we can successfully determine that PF (including David) is personally aware of a specific "message" and is communicating it somehow.

I will respect your opinion and leave it at that as I am not here to piss you off. I am simply doing my best to work through this rationally.
Eric Vinyard
2015-02-26 21:06:40 UTC
Post by a_rod_777
I am simply doing my best to work through this rationally.
You're doing an awful job. Keep up the bad work. Preferably someplace where I don't feel the need to respond to it.
2015-02-27 18:55:15 UTC
Post by Eric Vinyard
You're doing an awful job. Keep up the bad work. Preferably someplace where I don't feel the need to respond to it.
I forgot your opinion was the say all be all authority in this endeavor.

It is clear you just want to post your own biased opinions without actually having to have them challenged or scrutinized with facts and evidence.

I will leave you to the conversation with yourself... the only one who will agree 100% with your opinions.

Too bad, because this:
"The Illuminati (illuminated or enlightened ones) capstone is a symbol of many things: heirarchy, success (Money), the uncompleted Great Work ("plans that either come to naught, or half a page of scribbled lines" - ?), but is usually depicted as an eye radiating light. But a real eye, the human eye, takes light into itself and acts as a prism of sorts. A metaphor for "God within", perhaps?"

was one of the most insightful remarks I have heard anyone say in regards to Pink Floyd and the philosophy behind the band.

Carry on with your ego masturbation and assert as many faulty opinions as facts as you want. I have no need or desire to challenge such a closed mind.
As long as you are unable to accept criticism and/or discuss your ideas without resorting to temper tantrums you are little asset to anyone.

I have done my job here in this specific thread and provided enough evidence for any sincere investigator who may come upon this information.

Make no mistake though. Anytime you decide to post more bullshit I will be there to call you on it. And since you went off the deep end when I merely made the off hand suggestion you have ulterior motives here... I will be keeping an eye on you.

Have a nice day! :)
2015-02-27 19:02:37 UTC
Post by Eric Vinyard
You're doing an awful job. Keep up the bad work. Preferably someplace where I don't feel the need to respond to it.
I forgot your opinion was the say all be all authority in this endeavor.

It is clear you just want to post your own biased opinions without actually having to have them challenged or scrutinized with facts and evidence.
I will leave you to the conversation with yourself... the only one who will agree 100% with your opinions.

Too bad, because this:
"The Illuminati (illuminated or enlightened ones) capstone is a symbol of many things: heirarchy, success (Money), the uncompleted Great Work ("plans that either come to naught, or half a page of scribbled lines" - ?), but is usually depicted as an eye radiating light. But a real eye, the human eye, takes light into itself and acts as a prism of sorts. A metaphor for "God within", perhaps?"

was one of the most insightful remarks I have heard anyone say in regards to Pink Floyd and the philosophy behind the band.

Carry on with your ego masturbation and assert as many faulty opinions as you want into this thread. I have no need or desire to argue with such a closed minded individual. I have done my job here. My only purpose in posting to this thread was to provide evidence for other SINCERE researchers to consider the occult connection in the face of your flip flop conclusions. I have sufficiently provided enough data to draw a conclusion.

As long as you are unable to accept criticism and/or discuss your ideas without resorting to temper tantrums you are little asset to anyone.

Make no mistake though. Anytime you decide to post more bullshit I will be there to call you on it. And since you went off the deep end when I merely made the off hand suggestion you have ulterior motives here... I will be keeping an eye on you as well.

The eye takes light within indeed.

Have a nice day! :)
2015-02-27 19:09:53 UTC
Just saw your facebook page. Didn't realize you were so young. Congrats on your first "Big Boy" check!

This explains a lot...
Eric Vinyard
2015-02-27 21:26:41 UTC
Jesus Christ. Fuck off with your Crusader bullshit. Now you're pretending like you're "protecting" other readers from my misinformation?

Anthony: get a grip and listen to yourself. This is not about my ego, this is not about me not wanting to be challenged. This is about you being absolutely incapable of challenging me (something plenty of other people are able to do, and have done before) in the arena of rationality.

You are an irrational person trying to be rational. Give it up.

* Your "facts" are assumptions
* Your "conclusions" are conjecture
* Your "proof" is mental gymnastics
* Your "evidence" is assertion

You do not understand the words you are using to describe the components of your arguments. Get that through your head or leave me alone.
2015-03-03 19:35:15 UTC
Post by Eric Vinyard
Jesus Christ. Fuck off with your Crusader bullshit. Now you're pretending like you're "protecting" other readers from my misinformation?
Anthony: get a grip and listen to yourself. This is not about my ego, this is not about me not wanting to be challenged. This is about you being absolutely incapable of challenging me (something plenty of other people are able to do, and have done before) in the arena of rationality.
You are an irrational person trying to be rational. Give it up.
* Your "facts" are assumptions
* Your "conclusions" are conjecture
* Your "proof" is mental gymnastics
* Your "evidence" is assertion
You do not understand the words you are using to describe the components of your arguments. Get that through your head or leave me alone.
I didn't realize you were so young. That explains a lot.
When i was your age I used to think I knew it all too.

Just remember this:

1. You were never able to challenge a single fact I presented and when I defined "fact" for you from the dictionary and asked you to point out one single fact I presented that did not meet the defined criteria, you had no answer.

2. Conjecture: an opinion or CONCLUSION formed on the basis of incomplete information. A CONJECTURE IS A TYPE OF CONCLUSION YOU IDIOT.

3. I never claimed to have proof of anything only EVIDENCE. In FACT I have gone out of my way on several occasions to point out the LACK OF PROOF in this endeavor.

4. Evidence: the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.
Assertion: a confident and forceful statement of fact or belief.
Evidence is based in FACTS like the Giza Pyramids in TDSOTM or the OWL and Eye on the PULSE cover, or the PHI symbol on Storm's cape.

The other is based on pure opinion like you asinine statements that you are rational and I am not with absolutely no evidence to back that up. And on the contrary, in the face of the FACTUAL evidence that can be verified that I am presenting here.

You don't even know the difference between these things do you?
Let me give you an example:

*The reunion announcement happening on June 11th, 2005 is a FACT.

*The reunion announcement happening on June 11th, 2005 is a EVIDENCE PF is personally involved in the enigma.

*The reunion announcement happening on June 11th, 2005 allows us to form a conjecture (which is just a type of conclusion or opinion) that PF intentionally did this as a signal to the Enigmatists, though this opinion or conclusion can be changed with the surfacing of new data.

*To state that The reunion announcement happening on June 11th, 2005 DEFINITIVELY because of the enigma is assertion... to which I never claimed.
I only suggested it was EVIDENCE.

Go back to college son. You weren't ready to graduate last year.
You still need serious work on your English language, definitions, argument and problem solving skills. You have the mental capacity of a hamster and the maturity of a spoiled 5th grader. The worse part is you have the ego of a Nobel Peace Prize Winner and the resume of a smart ass, smug college graduate who thinks he can run the world and everyone around him.

I am going to give you some undeserved advice which I am sure you are too arrogant to take.

Just because you "assert" you are right, rational or logical about something does not make it so. The proof is in the pudding. Being right comes from learning AND experience kicking your ass throughout life. That is called wisdom.

You my young brash friend just got a good beat down from wisdom.
Understand the lesson and learn from it.
2015-03-03 19:58:28 UTC
I didn't realize you were so young. That explains a lot.
When i was your age I used to think I knew it all too.

Just remember this:

1. You were never able to challenge a single fact I presented and when I defined "fact" for you from the dictionary and asked you to point out one single fact I presented that did not meet the defined criteria, you had no answer.

2. Conjecture: an opinion or CONCLUSION formed on the basis of incomplete information. A CONJECTURE IS A TYPE OF CONCLUSION YOU IDIOT.

3. I never claimed to have proof of anything only EVIDENCE. In FACT I have gone out of my way on several occasions to point out the LACK OF PROOF in this endeavor.

4. Evidence: the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.

Assertion: a confident and forceful statement of fact or belief.
Evidence is based in FACTS like the Giza Pyramids in TDSOTM or the OWL and Eye on the PULSE cover, or the PHI symbol on Storm's cape which i presented to support my argument.

Assertion is based on pure opinion with absolutely no factual or supporting foundation like your asinine opinion that you are rational and I am not. On the contrary, an assertion made in the face of the FACTUAL evidence that I am presenting here which can be independently verified by anyone.

You don't even understand the difference between these things you are mouthing off about do you?

Let me give you some examples:

*The reunion announcement happening on June 11th, 2005 is a FACT.

*The reunion announcement happening on June 11th, 2005 is a EVIDENCE PF is personally involved in the enigma.

*The reunion announcement happening on June 11th, 2005 allows us to form a CONJECTURE (which is just a type of CONCLUSION or opinion) that PF intentionally did this as a signal to the Enigmatists, though this opinion or conclusion is subject to change upon the surfacing of new data.

*To state that The reunion announcement happening on June 11th, 2005 definitively because of the enigma is ASSERTION... to which I never made claim.
I only suggested this data as EVIDENCE supporting my argument.

Go back to college son. You weren't ready to graduate last year.
You still need serious work on your English language, definitions, argument and problem solving skills. You have the mental capacity and world experience of a hamster and the maturity of a spoiled 5th grader. The worse part is you have the ego of a Nobel Peace Prize Winner and the resume of a smart ass, smug college graduate who thinks he can run the world and everyone around him.

I am going to give you some undeserved advice which I am sure you are too arrogant to take.

Just because you "assert" you are right, rational or logical about something does not make it so. The proof is in the pudding. Being right comes from learning AND experience kicking your ass throughout life. That is called wisdom.

You my young brash friend just got a good beat down from wisdom.
Understand the lesson and learn from it.
2015-03-03 20:01:00 UTC
I didn't realize you were so young. That explains a lot.
When i was your age I used to think I knew it all too.

Just remember this:

1. You were never able to challenge a single fact I presented and when I defined "fact" for you from the dictionary and asked you to point out one single fact I presented that did not meet the defined criteria, you had no answer.

2. Conjecture: an opinion or CONCLUSION formed on the basis of incomplete information. A CONJECTURE IS A TYPE OF CONCLUSION YOU IDIOT.

3. I never claimed to have proof of anything only EVIDENCE. In FACT I have gone out of my way on several occasions to point out the LACK OF PROOF in this endeavor.

4. Evidence: the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.

Assertion: a confident and forceful statement of fact or belief.
Evidence is based in FACTS like the Giza Pyramids in TDSOTM or the OWL and Eye on the PULSE cover, or the PHI symbol on Storm's cape which i presented to support my argument.

Assertion is based on pure opinion with absolutely no factual or supporting foundation like your asinine opinion that you are rational and I am not. On the contrary, an assertion made in the face of the FACTUAL evidence that I am presenting here which can be independently verified by anyone.

You don't even understand the difference between these things you are mouthing off about do you?

Let me give you some examples:

*The reunion announcement happening on June 11th, 2005 is a FACT.

*The reunion announcement happening on June 11th, 2005 is a EVIDENCE PF is personally involved in the enigma.

*The reunion announcement happening on June 11th, 2005 allows us to form a CONJECTURE (which is just a type of CONCLUSION or opinion) that PF intentionally did this as a signal to the Enigmatists, though this opinion or conclusion is subject to change upon the surfacing of new data.

*To state that The reunion announcement happened on June 11th, 2005 definitively because of the enigma is ASSERTION... to which I never made claim.
I only suggested this data as EVIDENCE supporting my argument.

Go back to college son. You weren't ready to graduate last year.
You still need serious work on your English language, definitions, argument and problem solving skills. You have the mental capacity and world experience of a hamster and the maturity of a spoiled 5th grader. The worse part is you have the ego of a Nobel Peace Prize Winner and the resume of a smart ass, smug college graduate who thinks he can run the world and everyone around him.

I am going to give you some undeserved advice which I am sure you are too arrogant to take.

Just because you "assert" you are right, rational or logical about something does not make it so. The proof is in the pudding. Being right comes from learning AND experience kicking your ass throughout life. That is called wisdom.

You my young brash friend just got a good beat down from wisdom.
Understand the lesson and learn from it.
Eric Vinyard
2015-03-04 20:22:28 UTC
Post by a_rod_777
2. Conjecture: an opinion or CONCLUSION formed on the basis of incomplete information. A CONJECTURE IS A TYPE OF CONCLUSION YOU IDIOT.
Yes. A bad one. I.E., not a proper conclusion.

With all your talk of being against childish name-calling, you certainly are quick to stoop to it.

Take your finger off the caps lock, turn 180 degrees, and start walking.
2015-03-04 20:56:30 UTC
Your right. I apologize for the name calling (again).
I was wrong for that. Once again I let emotions get the best of me.

The rest of the post, however, is still applicable.
Eric Vinyard
2015-03-05 07:47:54 UTC
Post by a_rod_777
Your right. I apologize for the name calling (again).
I was wrong for that. Once again I let emotions get the best of me.
The rest of the post, however, is still applicable.
I no longer have the time or interest in addressing your posts point-for-point. I only wish to never again engage you in debate. I've said just about everything I have to say, and you don't seem to understand what it is that I'm saying. You counter-argue with some kind of assumption that I'm out to prove you wrong when I've said over and over again that this is not the case.

My advice is that you stop trying to cloak your ideas in the guise of logic. You arguments are not rational and never will be; you yourself do not demonstrate an understanding of the concepts that any critical thinker should be familiar with. What's more is that your theories have no actual need to be logical. You yourself have said it; life is often strange and irrational and the subjective experience completely defies logic. Your thoughts and ideas stand on their own on volition of their own compelling nature. They're interesting enough that you need not try to make yourself sound more convincing by pretending that it even matters whether or not something is a fact.

You're far too preoccupied with making yourself seem more credible by tagging everything you say as either "fact" or "conclusion". Give it up; let it go. You're using extremely limited terms to describe a set of ideas that requires creative thinking that extends beyond those limitations. There is no reason for you to try to defend your thinking in such a way.

You're trying to box thoughts into math. Stop it, and stop arguing with me about it. Just go about your business and keep doing what you've been doing without smothering it in pretense.
Eric Vinyard
2015-03-05 07:56:30 UTC
Post by Eric Vinyard
Post by a_rod_777
Your right. I apologize for the name calling (again).
I was wrong for that. Once again I let emotions get the best of me.
The rest of the post, however, is still applicable.
I no longer have the time or interest in addressing your posts point-for-point. I only wish to never again engage you in debate. I've said just about everything I have to say, and you don't seem to understand what it is that I'm saying. You counter-argue with some kind of assumption that I'm out to prove you wrong when I've said over and over again that this is not the case.
My advice is that you stop trying to cloak your ideas in the guise of logic. You arguments are not rational and never will be; you yourself do not demonstrate an understanding of the concepts that any critical thinker should be familiar with. What's more is that your theories have no actual need to be logical. You yourself have said it; life is often strange and irrational and the subjective experience completely defies logic. Your thoughts and ideas stand on their own on volition of their own compelling nature. They're interesting enough that you need not try to make yourself sound more convincing by pretending that it even matters whether or not something is a fact.
You're far too preoccupied with making yourself seem more credible by tagging everything you say as either "fact" or "conclusion". Give it up; let it go. You're using extremely limited terms to describe a set of ideas that requires creative thinking that extends beyond those limitations. There is no reason for you to try to defend your thinking in such a way.
You're trying to box thoughts into math. Stop it, and stop arguing with me about it. Just go about your business and keep doing what you've been doing without smothering it in pretense.
And for the love of God, leave me the fuck alone.
2015-03-10 00:03:47 UTC
Post by Eric Vinyard
And for the love of God, leave me the fuck alone.
You are the one who is making your thoughts public on this board. Either deal with the responses like an adult or taking a flying leap. I'm not going out of my way to avoid you. I am a grown up and I don't play those kiddy games.

I can converse with other adults like a rational human being and take criticism without throwing temper tantrums... for crying out loud, get a grip.

If you don't like what I am saying then get some self control and ignore me or fuck off yourself.

Or better yet. Grow the fuck up. Learn to say "I don't agree with you" and move on like everyone else here. You don't HAVE to talk to me. It really isn't that hard.

It's called "Self Control". You may want to try it sometime in your life. It will make you a better person. I promise.

And for the record I still have no hard feelings towards you.
I wish you would grow up and get over it. Not everyone in life is going to see eye to eye with you. That doesn't mean you should chastise them. You can disagree with someone and still remain civil.

"I have always understood that the Internet was founded on the precepts of
respecting other community members. I would only hope that those
nay-sayers respect the rights of the voluntary enigma participants
and my continued right to privacy as well. You may not agree with
what I have to say, but I still have a right to say it without

Eric Vinyard
2015-03-10 14:20:26 UTC
Post by a_rod_777
I'm not going out of my way to avoid you.
No, but you are going out of your way to continue to argue with me. You can call me a child all you like, but that doesn't make you any less wrong or incapable of understanding how absolutely, totally, and completely wrong you are. This has nothing to do with me needing to be a better person and everything to do with the fact that you are impossibly ignorant of everything I've tried to convey.

Stay out of my threads, or I'll find a way to filter you. If that means using a newsreader and putting you in a killfile, so be it. If it means wantonly reporting everything you respond with in order to avoid the temptation to read past the first two lines, I'll do it.

You can fuck off with respect, or I can do this the hard way. I don't really see myself posting much more here in the future anyhow; the momentum is slowing and I've got more important things to do with my life.

The point is this, A_Rod... I have one last thing to say to you:
2015-03-10 18:07:59 UTC
Post by Eric Vinyard
Post by a_rod_777
I'm not going out of my way to avoid you.
No, but you are going out of your way to continue to argue with me. You can call me a child all you like, but that doesn't make you any less wrong or incapable of understanding how absolutely, totally, and completely wrong you are. This has nothing to do with me needing to be a better person and everything to do with the fact that you are impossibly ignorant of everything I've tried to convey.
Stay out of my threads, or I'll find a way to filter you. If that means using a newsreader and putting you in a killfile, so be it. If it means wantonly reporting everything you respond with in order to avoid the temptation to read past the first two lines, I'll do it.
You can fuck off with respect, or I can do this the hard way. I don't really see myself posting much more here in the future anyhow; the momentum is slowing and I've got more important things to do with my life.
<shaking my head>
I'll be posting in whatever thread I feel like posting.
killfile me, report me, whatever...
how about grow up.
2015-02-25 17:08:49 UTC
Post by Eric Vinyard
A_Rod, since you insist on barging into my threads in order to spout nonsense...
BTW, if I were not here talking about this subject with you you would be talking to yourself.

"The Illuminati (illuminated or enlightened ones) capstone is a symbol of many things: heirarchy, success (Money), the uncompleted Great Work ("plans that either come to naught, or half a page of scribbled lines" - ?), but is usually depicted as an eye radiating light. But a real eye, the human eye, takes light into itself and acts as a prism of sorts. A metaphor for "God within", perhaps? "

This was an extremely profound statement in my opinion in which your speculation was spot on. Whether you recognize it or not you have included some very esoteric occult themes in this analysis.

Everything I put forth in this thread is in complete alignment with this statement you made in the very first post.

I personally believe what you said here is the embodiment of "The Message".
Eric Vinyard
2015-02-26 15:50:46 UTC
Post by a_rod_777
BTW, if I were not here talking about this subject with you you would be talking to yourself.
I would rather talk to myself and archive my thoughts than be tempted to argue with you.
2015-03-10 21:18:33 UTC
On Tue, 24 Feb 2015 11:54:00 -0800 (PST), Eric Vinyard
Post by Eric Vinyard
A_Rod, since you insist on barging into my threads in order to spout nonsense...
It's all nonsense, I can't even tell you two apart.

-GJ 2.0
2015-03-10 23:56:35 UTC
Post by gj
On Tue, 24 Feb 2015 11:54:00 -0800 (PST), Eric Vinyard
Post by Eric Vinyard
A_Rod, since you insist on barging into my threads in order to spout nonsense...
It's all nonsense, I can't even tell you two apart.
-GJ 2.0
The feeling is mutual Governer Swill... I mean Kyla's clone... I mean gj...
whoever... right?
